Friday, May 22, 2015

New things coming your way

So I have finally finished high school and you can't not begin to understand the weight that is lifted off my shoulders. With that I. Light that has opened me up to do a lot more things such as focus on my blog and really tightened a lot of things up . 
If you have been with me in my social media then you know I have a started a Twitter page dedicated solely to my blogging about fashion, beauty, lifestyle , and so much more . Feel free to go follow me @see_her_smiling and feel free to follow me on my Instagram @tren_d as well . 

On my Instagram I have began two to become a lot more active and aligning myself up with a schedule that you guys my followers can be used to and become familiar. 

Also I am going to be doing some possible giveaways so look for that as well as many other new things in the works I can't spill quite yet so just wait for it .! 

But until then take a look at three of my recent posts on my Instagram and have a great memorial days weekend . 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Teen Vogue Fashion University

Teen Vogue Fashion University 

         So this past weekend has been the best weekend of my life .Why you ask? Well it is because I spent the past weekend in not only New York but i spent it by being surrounded by the best of the best in the fashion industry. I was able to attend Teen Vogue's Fashion University class of 2015. the application process was simple in itself , all that is required is writing an essay that depicts your passion for fashion and why you feel you should be able to go;this year however as applying you ranked your top interests in the industry from one to three. the options were business , styling and design, and PR. The category i chose out of my top three was the design /styling major, in this major we were talked to about building our brand and successful one at that,we were given tips on how to even breach an entrance into this industry and the things that people that are giving away these opportunities are looking for. 

           To do a little name dropping of how big some of these people that were in attendance I'll start off with those that i specifically met myself. saturday we started off my class with meeting the Vashtie kola who stayed true to her tomb boy/ skater roots and it paid off for her in the long run After meeting with her we then moved on to meet Jens Grede who is one of the co-founder of frame denim. Jens gave us the top 9 steps that he wish was at least 10 to be even but he ran out of things to say so he gave us 9. Those 9 tips were definitely detailed and very conducive to the pieces to owning an running a successful brand. We then went on to meet our dean speaker who was the one and only Rebecca Minkoff. She gave us the advice as to what help launched her career(not like i didn't know) and she gave us as well the key pieces that most designers or magazines are really looking for in interns as well. After that we then attended lunch in the conde' nast cafeteria ,which was pretty good ,and from there we attended a few more lectures from the likes of Micaela Erlanger celebrity stylist and Jodie Snyder the JO to the DANNIJO jewelry line. 
       What i took away the most from this weekend would have to be that every single lecture that we listened to was that this road to the glamourous does not start off glamorous. It requires hard work and to really succeed you must network and be open to meeting lots of new people. 

So my overall weekend i loved every last person i connected with and all the great advice and coming very soon all of my blogging  and hard work and effort will pay off. 

so until next time' voir  instagram for more pictures 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Guess Whose Back .?!

I know I haven't posted anything in so long I've been so busy but if you have been following my other social media sites then you know I'm still updating and what not just haven't been as active on my blog but gearing up pretty soon I have a lot of new things coming up I. Store for you guys so just stay tuned and I promise I will get back to updating and showing you guys some awesome fashion and styles . Oh and Happy new year by the way .! I hope 2015 is bringing any excited new things your way and you are going even further in your pursuits and passions . 

Btw- Here's a little contest that T.U.K shoes in collaboration with death candy so go and repost . Follow . And hopefully win.!